Classroom Times

It threatened to snow today, so we abandoned all customs and had a mixed-up day.  We were scheduled to have an early dismissal followed by parent-teacher conferences in the afternoon, but the weather forecast was for Armageddon Part 4, so we had an even earlier dismissal and no conferences.  The super-early dismissal required that we have lunch in our classroom, which is a rare treat.  Here’s a slice of the conversation.

Max:  I think I’m going to Portugal this summer.

Elijah, who has family in Portugal:  Oh, you’re so lucky.

Me, who has never been to Portugal:  Oh, I really want to go there some day.

Max, whose family is from Sweden:  I think I’m going there, but we may go to Sweden.

Adam:  I’m going to Italy.

Me:  This summer?

Adam:  No, in April.

Me:  Really, wow.

Lilli:  I’m going to England.

Me:  In April?

Lilli:  Yup.

Me:  I’m going to Bethesda, Maryland!

Sage:  I’m going to Baltimore.

Katherine:  I’m going to look at colleges. Aren’t I lucky?

Me:  Where are you going?

Katherine:  North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, but my brother wants to go to college somewhere warm, so we’re also going to Florida.

Me:  It’s pretty warm in North Carolina and South Carolina.

Katherine:  I know, but he wants it to be really warm.  Then we’re going to Universal.

Me:  Oh that’s your part of the trip.

Katherine:  Yup.

Sage:  Where does your sister want to go to college?

Katherine, who has twin siblings, if you hadn’t gathered:  I don’t know.  She wants to study journalism.

Lilli:  What’s journalism? Is that a kind of writing?

Me:  It’s writing for newspapers or magazines or TV news.

Lilli:  Oh, my neighbor works for the New York Times.

Me: Really?

Josh:  Oh, I was in the New York Times.

Lilli:  My neighbor is in the New York Times all the time.

Ryan:  My dad reads the New York Times.


And there you have it.  A little slice of lunch conversation, fifth grade style.

Ryan wins.




13 thoughts on “Classroom Times

  1. Hahaha! A perfect capture of the overlapping, connecting, changing conversations of 5th graders. I teach high school, but I drive a hysterical carpool of 2nd and 4th graders (Ok, I’m biased because some of them are mine, but they really are funny); I may have to see if I can capture the chaos of their conversation. I’ll keep you posted!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So funny! I could picture them biting into their sandwiches and just having this conversation like it was no big deal. I did a whip around about Spring Break plans in the 8th grade classroom where I am working. The most exciting place was Mexico.There was a lot of Seattle or the Oregon Coast.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah. I took out an intro that mentioned we are in a town of great means. I figured it was pretty obvious from the conversation. As Jess said in another comment, we hope they realize their good fortune


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